The rise and rise of vitamin brands in the wellness boom.

03.02.22 | By Ellie Laffner | branding

The easiest pill to swallow: vitamin brands.

Personalised, personified, all-powerful.

Wellness is no longer exclusive to 8-week-challenges or ethereal elixirs; it’s now accessible to your run of the mill gluten-eater looking for a vitality boost. And the simplest way consumers are getting that fix? Vitamins.

Personalised, personified, all-powerful; the vitamin industry is a force to be reckoned with. In Australia alone, the vitamin and supplement manufacturing industry has grown 3.2% per year on average between 2017 and 2022 (IBISWorld).

And whether you consider yourself a wellness warrior or worry-er, you’ve most likely dabbled in a vitamin or two. But how has branding played a role in this boom?

Tone - on the tip of your tongue.

No shame in your gas-game, but it’s unlikely you’ve wanted a vitamin bottle that prints ‘ALLEVIATES GAS’ in big, jarring letters sitting on your countertop. 

And so, we’ve seen brands take on a more warm, optimistic (and less revealing) approach to their tone of voice, highlighting benefits instead of mitigating the negative. See our client: Mister Jones’s Rise & Shine bottle. We think customers feel better knowing they too can be risers and shiners, rather than reducers-in-gastronomical-issues. Or Wanderlust with their ‘new way to wellness.’ The aim is to make vitality, health and vitamins as accessible, gentle and unintimidating as possible in order to attract a broader audience. Newbies and hardcore health-ers, they’re all welcome. 

The pleasure of stylish packaging.

Remember when 5 Gum made chewing a piece of peppermint plastic on par with interdimensional space travel? Well, the vitamin industry has taken a spinach leaf out of their book and made vitamin-popping a pleasure to look at. 

We’ve welcomed sleek designs and minimalist typography. We’ve also welcomed eco-friendly packaging. So much so that we’ve become proud displayers of our vitamin collection.

Personalised: putting ‘I’ into vitamins. 

Siri, play ‘Say My Name’ by Beyoncé.

According to research, the personalized nutrition market is said to reach USD 11.35 billion by 2026. The reason? People are wanting more from their vitamin routine. They want to feel seen for their unique nutrition needs.

Lacking focus? Low energy? Brittle hair? Now brands are offering quizzes that can find your perfect vitamin plan more efficiently than Bumble can find your betrothed. Not only does this create consumer loyalty, but by default; time spent on site is much longer. Take our client, Vitable. After refreshing their tone of voice, their quizzes became accessible to the masses. ‘Take our simple quiz to get a daily vitamin pack tailored to your goals, lifestyle and diet.’ Simple, approachable, and puts any Buzzfeed quiz to shame. Or see: Rai Vitamins, Vitally or Persona Nutrition.

Before, after and forever more. 

The proof isn’t in the pudding. It’s in socials. 

Thanks to clever incentives, consumers are the ones sharing the power of a single product. For example, after purchasing JSHealth Vitamins, you are incentivized to share your results online for 15% off your next order. This encourages consumers to be consistent with their routine (meaning more results), while also creating a stronger relationship with their customer.

It’s an exciting time to be a vitamin or supplement brand. Thanks to the Spicy Cough, we are investing in preventative health more than ever before. And after the last few years we’ve had, we think something like that is something worth celebrating. Don’t you?

Need help with brand strategy? We can help with that.

Are you a start-up vitamin brand? Come chat to us. 

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