frank body Case Study
Taking frank body from 0 to $100m.
As Willow & Blake’s founders, we put our money where our mouths were, by funding the brand we were building and building the brand we were funding.
The beauty industry was full of jargon, hyperbole and copycats, so we decided to buck the trend, and be honest, upfront and original. You could say we wanted to be frank.
With a unique UGC-led social media strategy, a bold tone of voice, and strategic influencer outreach, we grew to have over 780k Instagram followers, 5.5 million searches in Google and almost 10 million products sold in over 144 countries.
Now, we routinely deliver copywriting, campaign concepts, social and digital creative for our first and flirtiest client.
I selfishly compiled a team of the best creatives I could find so they could build and manage frank body. The best part for our clients is that they get them for their brands, too. "