Innovative Health Brands Shaking Up Industry

01.06.23 | By Kimberley Killender | business

5 innovative consumer health brands shaking up the industry.

The health and wellness industry is as huge as it is competitive.

It’s no longer enough to just have a great product, app, service, or idea. You need branding that sticks, inspires, and compels people in order to be remembered and respected. Which, let’s be honest, isn’t as easy as it sounds. 

Branding isn’t just a cute logo or name, it covers so many different aspects of your product or service. Tone of voice, visual identity, graphics, audio identity, social media content and strategy, packaging, art direction and production, the list goes on. And on.  

But getting branding right is everything. Successful branding:

  • Increases your recognition among consumers 

  • Helps build consumer trust 

  • Helps support effective advertising

  • Increases employee loyalty 

  • Helps build and retain loyalty from customers 

Need inspo? Here are our top five favourite consumer health brands that are shaking up the industry and making an impact with their branding, and what we think sets them apart from the rest. 


1. Beforeyouspeak Coffee

What we love them for: Tone and voice 

Brisbane based Beforeyouspeak Coffee’s venture is pairing coffee and health. Healthy coffee brands aren’t unheard of, but Beforeyouspeak’s casual, friendly tone makes them stand out, because consumers love a brand personality that feels like a friend. Especially one they’d want to sit down to coffee with.  

With lines like “We believe life is for living, and a day without coffee is like… actually we have no idea.” in their FAQ, or no-bull copy like “We will keep you caffeinated, so that you can focus on getting sh*t done.” on their LinkedIn, they’re keeping their tone of voice consistent, colloquial, and conversational.

Their tone is even embedded in their product naming, with their flagship product being called the OG, embracing a slangy tone they know appeals to customers everywhere. Pair this tone and personality with the fact Beforeyouspeak products are unique, delicious, and easy to prepare, and they’re onto a winner. 


2. Happify Health/Twill: 

What we love them for: Rebranding

The parent company of Happify, a popular mental health app, recently underwent a rebrand, moving from Happify Health to Twill: The Intelligent Healing Company. 

Twill released a statement, explaining their new brand was “the culmination of a five-year journey” that has resulted in the “transition from wellness apps to a clinical-grade platform.” It solidified their place as an expert, and aided in supporting a new brand narrative.  

The Happify Health/Twill transition is the perfect example of how company names are a crucial part of branding. Happify Health’s new name isn’t simply external, but an internal revamping that consumers can participate in when they use Twill products and services.


3. Llama Naturals: 

What we love them for: Visual Identity and Packaging 

Llama Naturals are plant-based vitamin bites, putting the fun back into nutrition. At Willow & Blake, we created bright packaging to perfectly match the cheeky tone of voice we’d built, with considered design choices like a custom font and a family of llama characters, known for their bites. 

With fun visual language cues used to help customers identify different families of products, like a propeller hat added to the llama to indicate the kids vitamin range, we helped Llama Naturals take a unique branding route in a world full of minimalistic vitamins and science-heavy supplements, then we took that visual identity and spread it across socials and their website too.


4. Jonny Condoms

What we love them for: Social Strategy

Jonny condoms hit the market with a bold social presence and clever paid social strategy that targeted women wanting to upgrade their condom experience from the neons, banana flavouring, and the battered Durex in their Tinder dates wallet. 

On Instagram, their witty but empowering captions are found with the perfect mix of aesthetic imagery, educational content that doesn’t bore, and branded memes hit their target market perfectly. They paired this with considered TikTok partnerships that made condoms cool again (specifically theirs, obviously) and that positioned Jonny as the solution to modern condom purchasing problems. Their social presence and branding have successfully landed them on Mamamia, Broadsheet, and Urban List, to name a few. This is a sexual wellness social strategy that leaves no stone unturned, or bedsheet untwisted.


5. Modibodi

What we love them for: Campaigns 

Modibodi is Australia's top period underwear brand, and it’s easy to see why. With campaigns that talk to the modern period experience, their sustainability (hey, we did that one) and a social change project around the postpartum journey to support their maternity range, Modibodi’s campaigns are targeted, elevated, and strongly led by customer insights. 

Ensuring there’s no disconnect between the branding and their marketing, each campaign is powered by social change, in line with their mission and brand values. Their campaigns are always impactful, eye-catching, and leave you thinking. After all, how often do you see an underwear ad with piles of soil? Modibodi always ensures their campaign strategies hit deeper than just a giggle at a good tagline, in order to keep people engaged. 


Branding is the key to any company's success. 

We’re living in a time of incredible health innovations. They’re been made possible because of science and technology, but will only be able to reach consumers and have an impact on them through great branding and marketing. 


Brand owners have a lot of balls in the air, and branding isn’t the one you want to drop. Partnering with a branding agency ensures there’s someone, or a group of someones, paying full attention to your branding, to ensure you build a brand that cuts through, and stays there. 

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