SynTernals Brand Strategy & Tone of Voice

Sparking a nutriceutical brand.

Successful skincare brand Synergie Skin tasked us with readying their sister healthspan supplement brand, SynTernals, for launch.

We began with brand strategy to identify target audiences—both new customers and converting the existing Synergie Skin base. We crafted a voice identity and established rules for how the two brands are sisters, not twins. This also led to creative messaging and rollout examples for social media and email campaigns.

For the SynTernals website, we mapped out the user journey from launch onwards, integrating this thinking into our website design and copywriting. The result is a seamless, informative site that makes the science easy to understand. Working with existing brand guidelines, we elevated the visuals for a clean, trusted landing page. We loved collaborating with the dedicated team on this exciting product launch in the nutriceutical space.

From the outset, Willow & Blake brought a blend of creativity and strategic insight that was simply invaluable. They expertly crafted our brand's development, honed our tone of voice, and designed a landing page that not only looks fantastic but performs brilliantly. "
Pooneh Azady, General Manager

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