Leading Brand Design Agency In Melbourne

Visual Identity & Graphic Design

You’ve got a shiny new name, a focused brand strategy, and a distinctive tone of voice in the bag.

Our approach? F*** the clichés. 

You’re better than that. And we’re definitely better than that. So we’ll take a closer look at how your brand’s point and purpose can be transferred effectively into print and pixels. To create and bring to life your logo and larger brand identity. 

But your visual identity is more than just your logo. So much more. 

It’s your:

  • Colour palette

  • Typography

  • Brand imagery

  • The style of your photography and video. 

And it’s as much the things you decide not to use as the ones you do.

What does your brand look like?

Maybe you're just downright playful with a point to prove. Or an alcohol brand that's all about good, clean, fun? Or you're a considered Aussie-rooted cafe that goes the whole nine yards to ensure a delicious experience. 

We make magic for new start-ups and established brands, so whether you need a new brand design or a rebrand, you've come to the right place. Our brand design agency team is eagerly waiting to get their hands on your brand. They've washed them; we promise.

We'll put our branding brains together, and we'll create a brand design that will make everyone in your industry (and outside of it) green with envy—in the precise shade dictated by their brand guidelines, of course.

Here's how we do it.

Step 1: Big Picture Thinking. Or ‘The Ideas’.

Based on our prior research on your brand (or the shiny new brand strategy we've created for you - *cough cough, hint hint ), your audience, your competitors and the wider industry, we'll get out our branding maps and explore a number of different directions you can take. We always favour the road less travelled over the well-worn path when it comes to brand design. It's a little riskier. A lot more rewarding. And fun, too. It's what's made us stand out as a brand design agency. And it's probably the very reason you're coming to us.

Step 2: The Importance of Moodboards… step into a designer’s brain.

We'll create a mood board. Of colour palettes, visual touches, feelings, figures and textures that embody who your brand is. All very different, but all tailored to you. And although we may be talking about what your customers will see on the surface, nothing is ever just for the sake of it. It's beyond skin deep. The dermis, at least. We'll explain exactly why the elements and images we've selected show what you want to say and stand for as a brand.

Step 3: Pick Your Direction. (Just One).

Decision time. Once you've picked the ~mood~ you like best, we'll pick up a paintbrush (virtual or otherwise) and get to work creating the masterpiece of your brand's visual identity. Designing and refining your logo, your typeface, your packaging, your business cards, menus, signs - every visual touchpoint you can think of. Plus, the ones you didn't.

Step 4: Do the Logo-motion with us.

Your logo is a visual way of communicating who your brand is and, on a deeper level, who your brand is. A great logo must:

  • Communicate your message, values and purpose in a glance

  • Be instantly identifiable

  • Be able to stand alone without your name or tagline. 

Of course, your logo could be your name too (stylised, of course). Then, it's about determining the right brand typeface and colour palette to do the job.

Let's be frank - it's not the be-all and end-all. Your customers will come back to you because of your great service, even better product and because they trust you, not just because you have a great logo that does all the above AND never forgets to take the bins out. But it's often the first thing people see in their interaction with your brand. So let us help you nail it and make it a first impression to remember - for the right reasons. And not because it accidentally looks like something dirty (unless that's your brand… in which case, let's get raunchy).

Step 5: Consider the power of Illustration.

Literally. From custom illustrations that capture the essence of your brand to your very own font, we can design and create a truly one-of-a-kind visual identity for your brand. Our designers' imaginations are already going wild with brilliant possibility. So free them from the crap jobs and make yours one they look forward to working on.

And we're never restricted by what's been done before. Because where's the fun in that?

Step 6: Show It All Off.

How will your product be presented? Is it a solo artist? Does it need a helping hand? Is it best snapped in its surroundings? The look of your imagery may seem like an insignificant detail, but it plays a big part in shaping your visual identity. We'll consider the best angle for all scenarios, make recommendations and show you mock ups so you can roll it out long term.

Need a campaign or photoshoot to introduce your brand to the world? We know just the team. (It's us.)

Step 7: These Rules Aren’t Made for Breaking - Your Guide.

It's a lot, we know. To ensure a smooth application for you and your team, we can package up all the elements of your visual identity into your very own brand guidelines. Consider it your bible. Or your Eat Pray Love. Filled with all the technical stuff like layout and typefaces and treatments for your logo, plus an easy-to-understand list of dos and don'ts. It's there to flick through, refer to, then refer to once more. For everyone in your team to be across and implementing. To do justice to your carefully created logo and brand identity, and to give your customers a seamless and positive experience with your brand.

What makes this branding agency bloody brilliant?

Our attention spans are getting shorter, but the list of brands is only getting bigger. Catching the eye of your ideal audience requires a mix of creativity, strategy and gumption.; The good news? We've got the recipe to put it all together.

With over a decade of experience in branding, plus bringing a brand into the world ourselves (oh, hi, Frank), we're kind of the experts in this stuff. And we give that stuff to you so you can confidently launch your brand into the big wide world.

Oh, did we mention we also do packaging design and copywriting, website design and brand campaigns too?

If you're looking for a brand agency in Melbourne that goes left when everyone goes right, up when everyone goes down, and zigs when everyone else...well, you know the rest...then we'd be thrilled to be your pick.

Ready to better the golden arches together? This brand design agency is.

Download our Health and Wellness Brand Report